October 11, 2012

And the kitchen sink


We've pulled out the rippable packing tape and the Sharpie. Please note that all comment threads on the main site (MWOP) will be closing tonight while we are attempting to migrate Disqus to the new site (TBA). This site will still be available during the final phase of the migration.



  1. The orange is too mcKmama kitchen. I hope you keep the mwop header and nice clean look. Get rid of this ugly orange, lol

    1. Hey, Anja is trying! Anyway, I think this is temporary.

    2. It was a joke - hence the "lol" - geeesh relax people

  2. I like the colors myself. Should be interesting finding our way around here. Anja, is this the permanent (until we outgrow it...) home?

    The Tsunami of Karma

    1. The tentative plan is to use this site as backup and to move the main site to a new domain, as the current domain is causing too many issues to keep it on the server. Hopefully everything will be in place tomorrow to finalize the move to the new site. Still can't find the turquoise paint . . .

    2. Ha! Too bad -- turquoise would be perfect. :D

      The Tsunami of Karma

    3. Anja,
      I sure how you didn't forget to set up our family closet with our names so we know where to hang our coats up!

  3. I really wish folks would stop being so hard on Anja ~ She is trying hard. Time to stop picking on the little things!

    1. I agree. We should all be thankful that Anja is even trying to take this to the next phase instead of letting it just die. Stop being so knit picky. Who cares what the color is as long as we can discuss McCrazy herself.

  4. When setting up our family closet at our new home, please don't forget all of those pesky dots!

    1. We are going to need lots of dots

  5. BOO! This sucks. Because I hate entering captchas everyfreaking time I post

  6. OOOH, it published and I didn't have to enter a captcha. Thought I was on Swagbucks

    1. The captcha was turned off earlier today at a reader's request. Hope that helps!

  7. Maybe this is not in the right spot. but for those of you who have blown up the instagram photo ~~ if you blow it up and look at the bottom of the iv drip tube, it looks like a person lying down in a hospital bed. you can see the face and that they're covered in a dark blanket and their arm is hanging over the side of the metal bed. it looks like there is a white hospital bracelet on the wrist too. i should got to bed but this is kind a fun. don't you know Izrael is so glad to be back.

    pink turquoise

  8. Is there a way to post pics on here? There is the funniest "McMama Bingo - aka MINGO" on FJ - http://wwwDOTfreejinger.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=12987&start=60 - its down the bottom of the page. Genius!

    1. Love that like a m&#her f*%#er! Brilliant!

    2. MINGO!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
      That is PRICELESS!!! :} I'd have to add a feet pic square.


    3. You're welcome ;) -Smores

    4. You can link directly to Freejinger. We do not care, and the DOT drives people on phones/tablets insane.

      I am a reader, and I never post, so I have no MWOP name.

  9. Anja, you could have redirected mwopblog to the new domain. There is more to this story.

    1. What.dies.that even mean??

    2. And I wish I'd proofread that... should read:

      What does that even mean??

    3. I absolutely can, and still might. However I can't get a knowledgeable person in IT to answer whether or not putting a redirect on mwopblog will also cause a redirect of the bot traffic that we've been battling lately. If anyone knows the answer to this, please let me know. My preference is for a redirect, but I'm concerned about the bot attacks.

    4. Did you know there is a simple txt file you can add to your site to block the bot traffic?

    5. According to the hosting company there was not a simple solution due to the level of the attack, but I'm open to any and all suggestions. Please e-mail me whatever information you have - mwop.mods@gmail.com. I was told they were dealing with a huge number of IPs; it was a DDOS, not a DOS, and it was driving up the bandwidth dramatically.

  10. Gee, I get busy with work for a week or so and so many things happen! Why are her Instagrams private? Was this another single car accident?

  11. Good morning all! Anja you are doing a great job, thank you!

    -m&#her f*%#er

    1. Thanks for the morning laugh :)


  12. So with the new way that Facebook is going things, won't all these posts with large amounts of comments mover up her impressions for other people? Maybe she is getting ready to make a big announcement(new blog, new baby, etc) and she wants to make sure it posts to alof her followers pages.

  13. In the "accident" vs "no accident" debate, thought I'd just point out that the police blotter in her local newspaper today shows: "3:09 p.m., vehicle crash with injuries" at the road crossing by her house. I think the information runs a day behind. That is to say, that even though the title says it's for Friday the 12th, the subtitle specifies that it is actually for 3pm Wednesday to 3pm Thursday. You're welcome! ;)

    1. Thanks for posting that. Hopefully, it will end the debate on that note. I, for one, thought it rather unlikely that she would be able to fake having an accident of the magnitude which she was claiming to have had. That's not to say I don't find her second single-car accident in a year to be VERY suspicious. I hope more information will come to light concerning this incident.

    2. Thank you; hopefully that will quell some of the outlandish speculation. Maybe.

    3. I don't doubt that she ran the vehicle off the road. I just laugh that they call it an "accident." An accident is something unintentional. Jen's wrecks tend to be "intentionals" more so than "accidents"... : )

    4. Thank you. :) <- nss.


    5. There is also a first responder call around quarter past 4pm, 1 hour later. The street and block # match her address.

    6. I definitely don't doubt there was an accident. The 3:09 PM accident with injuries call makes perfect sense. But, the first responder call an hour and 20 minutes later to a house on her block is what's strange. Did she leave the accident and decide later she was hurt and needed medical help? Or, is it unrelated? I'm not sure.

    7. do you think she intentionally is trying to get hurt.... really hurt..... I am just wondering if all of this is finally getting to her and she doesn't want to go on

    8. It's easy to forget we don't actually know her -- she may be feeling despair over everything that's falling in on her. Lord knows I would.

      I just have a hard time imagining her deliberately driving her car off the edge in a setting that would cause a rollover, in an effort to hurt herself. Maybe that just means my imagination is limited. Stranger things have happened, that's for sure.


    9. Outlandish is a bit harsh, Anja (or whichever Mod used that term) Given this woman and her history of antics, I'd say much of the speculation was reasonable. For all we know she could have fudged a photo to dramatize her experience. You can't deny it is likely her taking that picture and she is dressed in street clothes standing up. It could have been a vet photo. It could have been a hospital. The initial person who posted that asked if it was a coincidence the nearest vet had the same color walls.

      You call that theory "outlandish"? Nice....did we seem to forget about "Fruit Bowl Kitten?" ;)

    10. Not all of the speculation was outlandish, but some of it certainly was, especially when it was combined with a general lack of knowledge about the bankruptcy or whether her car was getting repossessed.

      As for the picture, it could have been anywhere, but it matched the other picture posted of the doctor's office, so it seems likely that it was a doctor's office.

      And yes, the fruit bowl kitten incident is a good example of how speculation can sometimes be carried a bit too far.

    11. Awwww :-( Not that I speculated on this, but if having a lack of knowledge about bankruptcy makes me outlandish, I will take outlandish.

  14. She's feeling well enough this morning to delete FB comments - they went from 83 to 79 in less than 1 minute!

    1. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 7:30 AM

      67 now.

    2. Her headache must have cleared up! I still can't believe that she survived not one but TWO rollover car accidents and walked away unscathed. It's a miracle.

    3. At 6am this morning, it was at 100 comments and now its at 68. She's been busy.

    4. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 8:22 AM

      The first "accident" she had she just spun circles and went in a ditch. The abundance of words was just for Gene's benefit.

  15. Just FYI - the link to here on the new site does not work. It takes you to mckmamatruths.blogspot instead of here.

  16. Well she had an accident... Wouldn't you think that someone who has two vehicle roll-overs in less than a year should probably evaluate what they are being distracted by? And if I was Isaiah I wouldn't allow the kids to ride with her until she gets herself together and starts paying attention while she's driving...

    1. One of my stepsons and one f my cousins are both very distracted drivers with texting tendencies. Both have been in multiple serious accidents. My kids cannot go anywhere with either of them driving, and while my husband will still go with kids son, it worries me every second they are gone. He will not not go with the kid; eventually it will catch up with him sadly.

    2. That sounds like a good new name to use: DistractedDriverW/TexingTendencies! It sounds like a medical disorder!


  17. Ooops, Did we foreclose again? LOL This must be what it feels like to be JM, moving so often...haha

  18. I missed why the name of the blog is changing?

    1. The domain is changing due to the mwop domain being the target of DDOS attacks, which gets very expensive to continue to host.

    2. Ok, thanks. M&#her f*%#ing DDOS.

  19. So her public Instagram (which depicts highly neglectful parenting and incredibly incriminating driving choices) disappears right before her attention seeking crash...hmmmm. I think we are dealing with a new kinda crazy.

    1. So, I wonder if she posted on FB or twatter or instagram (surprised she does not have a pinterest yet; can you IMAGINE?) around the time of the tumble twirl/SUV destruction.

      I would bet my stable marriage she was on her phone, but I am certain she was thrilled to get some painkillers and a new SUV. I would never say something like this about any other person, online or in real life. She is one of a kind, thank baby jesus.

  20. Ok, not to be all skeptical mckskeptypants, but as attention seeking as our dear girl is...is it possible she witnessed an accident right nearby and used it for personal drama gain by claiming it as hers?

    Or is she just really that bad a driver? And how did the phone survive intact? That death grip she had on it whilst taking pictures and posting to fb?


  21. When was the doctor's office/ER/vet's office picture posted? Could have been taken at her Ob-Gyn appt? I really do see a blonde child in the reflection to JM's left in the pic.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It was on JM's Instagram; a couple of people posted it on our old site.


  22. What is a BOT Attack? Is that a disease or something? I need someone to dumb this down for me. LOL


    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack

    2. I'm not very "techy" at all to be able to understand this kind of thing; but do you think this has/is being done intentionally by someone?

    3. Wow I feel so informed now. Smurf attacks and fraggle attacks? Clearly we are truely people of the 80's eh?

      Thanks Anja and might I mention I appreciate all your hard work! I wouldn't even know how to do half the stuff you do.


  23. Has anyone on the inside seen any new instagram pics?


    1. There have been no new pictures posted.

    2. We now have pictures of salmon steaks in a smoker, captioned "Salmon in the smoker."

    3. Which actually look good...now...

      I'm waiting for the updated pic in a few hours, where she's hunked them up, dumped cans of garbanzo beans and tomatoes on top, and serve it up on a bed of quinoa sprinkled with pounds of cilantro..UGH!!

      Jennifer: Please, for the love of G** just serve the steaks as they are, with a nice salad. DO NOT make up a recipe for sauce by slopping all the expensive liquid-type crap in your cupboard.

    4. One tonight walking L to bed with the caption, "Up late a church's movie night. Walking my littlest to bed now." Picture is her taking a picture of her and L holding hands walking. Hope that makes sense.

    5. Every waking thought of Jennifer McKinney's must be a photo op. If most people were walking their two year old to bed they'd put the phone down. I can hear her thinking, "that's cute...the Sheep will adorbs that...click."

      Poor baby can't even go to bed without it being broadcast to 1000's.

      Her manic increase in activity on FB & Instagram only confirms to me that Gene took the blog & she is missing it like mad.

  24. Something isn't ringing true here for me. Why change the name to MckMama Truths? MWOP has been around for a long time now and the name is known. Why change it now?

    Why is mail now directed to mwop.mods@gmail now instead of Anja,,,the way it has been.

    Me thinks big changes are takin' place and we're not being told.

    1. Teehee. You're on to something. Wonder how long it'll take for the defense to die down and the details to surface?

    2. The domain changed. If you look at the site on the new domain, you'll see it's still MckMama Without Pity. All of the content is still there. Everything's the same. Nothing else has changed. Etc, etc, ad nauseum.

      I've stated a couple of times now but I will state it again: I have taken on some help with the site (finally) because I'm getting to the point where I need some sleep. Running the site and moderating the comments is pretty much a 24/7 job and I've been doing it solo since June 2011, so I need a break. Originally I was one of the techies working on the site, and I'd like to go back to that role and give someone else (several someone elses) the chance to manage the day-to-day site operations, including posts and comment moderation.

      This is why you'll see posts and comments by MWOPAdmin or references to mwop.mods@gmail.com more frequently now. It makes more sense to have one login for the admins than to split them out into separate logins and permission levels that everyone has to keep track of. My e-mail address, mwop.anja@gmail.com, still exists and you can certainly e-mail me whenever you want. We're just trying to streamline things going forward. In addition I receive many, many Disqus e-mails that I want to shut off, so we're re-routing those to the mwop.mods e-mail address instead.

      Is all of this considered a big change? It depends on your perspective, I guess. My goal is to spend less time on MWOP, finally get some much needed sleep, and focus on something else besides Jennifer McKinney, who has largely gone silent since shutting down her blog and making her Instagram private, both of which I think are good things, regardless of her intent.

    3. I was thinking we should all be donning our tinfoil hats and tuning into the proper frequency for the updates on the conspiracy theory.

      Or maybe make sure we have a large supply of Troll-B-Gone. Good lord.

      Thanks, Anja, not only for working your (unpaid and underappreciated) butt off to make this work, but doing so whilst having your motives and methods constantly questioned. A truckload of mint chocolate chip ice cream is en route. :)

      The Tsunami of Karma

    4. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 9:29 AM

      I'm glad Anja has some help. I'm sure they will continue to do the great job that Anja has done.

      I've got several used gifts cards and I hear Jenny's trying to sale her Christmas panties if you would like them Anja! *wink*

    5. Anja, I think this makes a great deal of sense. As far as I am concerned, MWOP becomes somewhat less relevant now that JM has finally been forced to take down her blog, Instagram etc. As with the "Ducks" who helped expose the "Kimmer" fraud, MWOP helped expose JM's fraud with similar results.

      Regardless of the desperately hopeful posts of its detractors, and their shrieks of "She's going to DUBAI! She is a WINNER!", the fact remains that MWOP succeeded in its mission to expose the truth. Information about JM is widely available online, and her career as a reputable "mommy blogger" is over.

      I personally don't care what she does going forward, now that the primary deception is over. By my standards, she lives a very sad, reduced life and I don't "need" to see more.

      Mission Accomplished, in other words.

      Not that I won't be popping in for fun - lots of great people here.


    6. You would have been better off making limitations, maybe closing comments off over night or only posting on the weekend. If Shell is back I'm out. Sorry, but shit hit the fan before for a reason.

    7. There is not even a remote possibility, so no worries there.

    8. Ok, I believe you. I don't know why I do, but I do. Is there any possibility the new mods care to share the names they posted under? I think that is part of the uneasiness about you having help. There are some posters I wouldn't be comfortable with being mods.

    9. I can ask, but I don't know if they are even active commenters or not. There are a lot more readers than commenters, as it turns out.

    10. Ditto the great Tsunami!


  25. When asked, Anja has always listed the way to get in touch with the moderator(s) as either the Anja specific email address or the collective "Mods" email address. In addition, she explains the site change name up above: because we can no longer afford/maintain our previous domain, but wish to still continue, we have to procure another domain name. Apparently she selected "MckMama Truths."



  26. I'm glad her head hurts.

    Maybe now she'll understand that her actions have consequences. Distracted driving isn't funny and it's not cool to brag about on social media.

    Also, as it appears she did flip her SUV again, the first thing your're told when you have a concussion is to stay away from media of all kinds, reading and listening to music. You need 100% cognitive rest for 48 hours. If you don't - you get a mother fucking headache. She has no one to blame but herself.


    1. YES!!
      Absolutely. She looks to have a serious social media addiction. (as if we didn't already believe that),
      If she has a concussion, cognitive rest is necessary ~ and we all know sister can't possibly put down the iPhone for a minute.

    2. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 9:30 AM

      She apparently can't even put the phone down to go pick up her kids from school. If the school let out at 3, why wasn't she already there waiting in line instead of rushing to school?

    3. I'm never there waiting to pick up my kids after school, I time it for about 15 minutes after school has let out. Gives the kiddos time to chat and I avoid the carpool line like the plague.

  27. I think you the right to "take everything with a grain of salt." But I have emailed Anja, a few times this year at the gmail address. I believe she uses the gmail address when the site is hacked or down. It was visible on the old site as a contact email.


  28. Anja, I really appreciate your efforts to keep this community together and to give us a place to comment. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help. Thanks.

    1. This, X 1000. Anything we can do to make this easier, let us know. :)


  29. wish there was a way for us "uninvited instagramers" to see her pics. Anyone here want to share?

    1. How are some people able to see Instagram?

    2. I think people were either following her before and were given access, or requested access since she turned it private and she accepted the request.

    3. How do you ask permission to see them? I don't even see anywhere you can send a message or anything?

    4. You need to be logged into your Instagram account and request to follow her. Instagram is accessible via iPad, iPhone and Android.

    5. I was approved, then all of a sudden can't see shit again.

    6. I was already following her. I never comment, occasionally give her a "heart" and haven't been deleted yet. She hasn't posted much lately.

  30. This nesting comments format seriously sucks.

  31. Any possibility of Shell being involved as a mod and I am out.

    1. There is no possibility; it's just another conspiracy theory.

  32. Did you hear the news? BMM is retiring. Or she also got fed up with the Mckmama lies...

    1. I saw her comment -- maybe she just meant from that site? She was getting chewed on a bit. :)


  33. Request: if you can remember, please sign your posts with your MWOP name, so we can all keep track of who's posting? The default here is Anonymous, which makes it impossible to follow conversations.

    Also, there's at least one anonymous posting a LOT of negative stuff about Anja and her nefarious (?!) motives, this site, our move, etc. The only information about the site move (where, who's moderating, etc.) that can be relied on is the information Anja publishes. Everything else is speculation, and IMO very likely malicious.


    1. I'm hoping to be on the new site--with Disqus!--this evening. I'm still waiting for the comments to finish migrating, but we might just start up anyway.

      As for everything else, my new mantra is: meh :)

    2. Meh, indeed. I'm just astounded, after all your hard work and your integrity in dealing with every conflict and complication imaginable, there are still people who instantly leap to the worst possible conclusions. Or take the opportunity to try and start trouble. *arms Troll-B-Gone dispenser*

      Disqus, eh? Well, we're all familiar with that. Thanks! :)


  34. I find it fascinating that her wreck hasn't been discussed, not ONE time, on her super-speshul 'xyng it with Mckmama' facebook page! NONE of those peeps have mentioned it, and she hasn't poked her nose in over there to bring it up either!

    Garbage Pail Kid

    1. She can delete like nobody's business.

  35. I'll say it again, this woman has MUNCHHAUSEN syndrome and MUNCHHAUSEN BY PROXY. Unbelievable.

  36. Can you afford to buy mckmama.com? How about another Chipin?

    1. I'm already in the red with running MWOP, so no :)

  37. On FB she is said she does not remember much of what she did yesterday.

    Having migraines personally,I can give her a pass on not remembering things that happened. As well as personality changes.

    I really hope she is not seriously hurt. She is the mother of five children. I hope she is checked out by a doctor.


    1. I agree. It's hard not to automatically say, yeah, right, with a chronic liar, but she very well could have gotten a concussion, and then not followed advice about getting rechecked because her default position is defiance. I really do hope that if this is on the up-and-up that she either has or will soon get to a doctor. These things don't always show up right away; brain injury is no joke.


    2. Yes and no. It's excusable for for in-person interaction, but online? If it was that bad she shouldn't have been looking at a glaring screen at all.

      Also, I don't know anyone that goes through personality changes with a migraine, and she "never swears". Forgetting what they say, sure, but not saying things they'd have never said otherwise. I think she either says it all the time and it "slipped out" during her headache, or (most likely) it was more attention seeking.

      It IS Friday, and isn't that when all of the soap opera characters discover they have amnesia? Maybe that's her new season!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 11:12 AM

      LOL wonder if Gene and the BK Judge will take "I had an accident and don't remember how I lied" as an excuse?

    5. Migraines: headaches.org/education/Headache_Topic_Sheets/Aura

      Concussions: ninds.nih.gov/disorders/tbi/detail_tbi.htm

      Quoted from the above link in regards to Traumatic Brian Injury (aka concussion):

      " Symptoms of a TBI can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of the damage to the brain. Some symptoms are evident immediately, while others do not surface until several days or weeks after the injury. A person with a mild TBI may remain conscious or may experience a loss of consciousness for a few seconds or minutes. The person may also feel dazed or not like himself for several days or weeks after the initial injury. Other symptoms of mild TBI include headache, confusion, lightheadedness, dizziness, blurred vision or tired eyes, ringing in the ears, bad taste in the mouth, fatigue or lethargy, a change in sleep patterns, behavioral or mood changes, and trouble with memory, concentration, attention, or thinking."

    6. I DO hope she got hurt if the accident was caused by her cell phone addiction. I certainly wouldn't want her killed over it, but she deserves a nice big fat concussion if that's what caused it. It's the only thing that will ever wake her up and start being more responsible, before she kills an innocent person next time.

    7. Well, she's not all that good at connecting actions and consequences and then waking up. :) Seriously, I do wish there were more serious consequences for texting/phoning whilst driving BEFORE somebody gets killed.


  38. As if she couldn't get even more ridiculous with explaining her crazy rants... Latest from FB/twitter: "Feeling a lot better today. Also realizing that I don't remember a lot of what I did and said yesterday. Whoops." Cue, brain injury.

  39. Always an excuse. Why can't she just say "I'm sorry for the words I chose to use yesterday. I know that it offended some of you, and I apologize.".

    1. Mckmama apologize? The closest apology you'll get from her is, "I'm sorry you feel that way." Lol.


    2. I know right? I suppose if she apologized instead of swore I might believe she doesn't remember anything.

    3. Oh, and don't forget "I'm sorry you misunderstood."

    4. Ha. Apologize for what? Being Real for the first time in her life? What better time to glimpse the True essense of a person than during the times when they lose the ablity to to filter their speech or make a play for thier audience.

      The "I don't swear" line she loves to use? Puhleeez. People who truely do not swear, suddenly do not acquire colorful vocabulary only to blurt them out when they lose control of themselves.

    5. Haha, just came to say the same thing and did before I saw your post. She boggles the mind. It *should* have been so easy but then again we know she doesn't take responsibility for anything unless it somehow benefits her--Jesus card.


    6. ....because attention whores can't do that!!

      I posted about Mckmama on my blog --oh so long ago, and I keep getting mean girl comments defending her in my comment feed. I didn't even bash the lady...I simply said why I won't read her blog anymore (the old shut down blog, the one that made her all sorts of money and gave her avenues to reach bakoodles of people as fans).
      What I want to know, is why are these people so defensive of this lady?
      I wasn't even mean about her. Just baffled at all her drama.

  40. Her buddy Glenn Beck had a similar situation this weekend. Although his was parked without the break on instead.


    1. Happened near my parents cottage. Quite the talk in that little town!

  41. She's so very calculating and cunning, isn't she?

  42. And I guess she can't read exactly what she wrote and say, "Oh...sorry about that!"


  43. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 11:56 AM

    Is Jenny forgetting all of those long, drawn out replies to her vaccine post BEFORE she MENTIONED her wreck?

    ruh row

    1. The Tsunami of KarmaOctober 12, 2012 at 12:03 PM

      A test to test my testing abilities...


    2. Was that her commenting, or did we witness a psychotic break?

  44. Now that she's recovered from her headache, she has to deal the messy reality that she's totaled the family car and doesn't have the means to replace it. Her reckless driving creates yet another financial obstacle for her family.

    That bonk on the head was a warning.

    1. That's got to hurt!

    2. I'm thinking she's LYING......she didn't total the car. She had to make an excuse for why it's gone. NO excuses, necessary. IT GOT REPO'd??????

    3. The Tsunami of KarmaOctober 12, 2012 at 2:52 PM

      Apparently there was an injury accident reported (to police I think) in the vicinity of her house; and an aid call to the same area shortly thereafter.

    4. 3:09 vehicle accident with injury about a mile from her home
      4:18 first responders call on her block

      So did she walk home (or get a ride from the tow truck) from the accident and then call the paramedics?????

  45. I see on FB she is trying to write off her over-the-top-attention-getting outburst. Funny enough, even though she saw the negative feedback from followers we still don't see an, "I'm sorry, I really wasn't feeling myself." It's just "Whoops, I don't remember". She can clearly see what she said and how it affected people. Why, oh why, can she not take ownership for anything?!? It would have been so simple to have worded it to at least *sound* sincere. Gah!!


    1. And if it was truly out of character, she could use that handy-dandy edit or delete button (we know she knows where that is), remove the things she is embarrassed about, and apologize. Yet she leaves her use of the 'n' word stand. Very telling, indeed.

  46. Replies
    1. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 12:47 PM

      WW Jenny on Speed do?

    2. Seriously? Grow up. And stop invoking the memory of a woman who just died and left behind kids who really miss their mom. Grow up.

    3. seriously shell. seriously. this isnt about her kids and you know it.

      i doubt her kids read here. get a life

    4. What??? I'm so lost on this one.

    5. i'm not shell; it might shock you to know that other people know stuff on the internets too. grow up.

    6. Please stop; this is not relevant, not correct, and a bit insensitive on your part.

    7. oooooooo

      the big guns!

    8. i thought Shelmo died in a grocery buggy accident while shopping for Little Debbie cakes.


    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. princess kristin? Sylvester is that you? suffering sucotash.


    11. I do recognize that as truth.

    12. Hey anonymous, don't you have a life to get back to?

    13. right back at cha.

    14. Why would you even bring JOS up? How sad your life is that you resort to mocking the dead.

    15. The wonderful thing about JOS wasn't that she had cancer. The wonderful thing was her attitude. She never quit, and rarely if ever pulled the "Oh, I have cancer, pity me." card.

      But I don't expect a bitter, bitchy rabble rouser to grok that concept.

  47. WTF is going on?!


    1. The Tsunami of KarmaOctober 12, 2012 at 1:29 PM

      Somebody's trying to be clever and witty, apparently, and only succeeding in being annoying. I have no idea what it's about -- sometimes ignorance really is bliss. :)

    2. Jennifer Opstad Scheps used to post frequently on mwop under her full name. I believe she died a few weeks ago. I think that is what the discussion above is about.

  48. There is sure a lot of nurse-bashing happening on the Vaccine thread... "Nurses as experts? Ever been in a hospital? Some of the largest and unhealthiest people working there." This statement is so full of ignorance I don't know where to begin! I'm a nurse and while I would never claim to be an expert on ANYTHING, to imply that someone like JM is more informed than me concerning medical matters is insulting. And I happen to be large but very healthy, thank you very much!


  49. Replies
    1. it's a reference to mckmama and her xyng pills

    2. I don't get this comment: "Seriously? Grow up. And stop invoking the memory of a woman who just died and left behind kids who really miss their mom. Grow up."

    3. The Tsunami of KarmaOctober 12, 2012 at 2:44 PM

      The Blogspot version of vaguebooking. :D

  50. btw, I'm new here. Always thought mckmama was very strange. I seriously think she has Munchhausen's. I know I've said it twice already, but her actions just SCREAM it.

    1. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 2:31 PM

      I've got to say she's much, much better than she used to be!! In days gone by it was a medical drama at least once a week**.

      ** In some cases, several ER visits a week! (See the great ER tour of last summer in the BK papers)

  51. nope, don't buy it. She had enough sense to not write out MFer, but doesn't remember doing it????

    HAHAHAHAHA! yeah, ok. Believe that one and I have some weight loss pills to sell you....oh, wait...

  52. Anja, I sent you an email.
    --Save Kitty

  53. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 2:59 PM

    It's almost closing time for many doctor offices. Time for the m&^*er f(*&ing headache to return so she can run to another ER

  54. I've been out running errands all day and just caught up with junk. JM is such a slimeball.

    And, for good measure, I'm thinking of changing my name from [SNORT] to [MOTHERFUCKER].

    No, not really. But it would be awesome.

    1. LOL. If anything I'd do it Samuel L. Jackson style and be [MUTHAFUCKINSNORT].

    2. So. much. funny.


  55. She has not updated ccap with her new address! !!!!

  56. Just checking in with my alive status. LOL


    1. The Tsunami of KarmaOctober 12, 2012 at 6:01 PM

      Still alive. Hi, Shellie! :)

    2. I think we survived my relative's visit but I'll let you know in the next couple of days. LOL

  57. I wonder how many times in the last 24 hours Gizzard has asked himself why he got back on the mcrazytrain.


    1. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 6:58 PM

      9,987,876,876,399 times?

    2. 25555555555555555555555555 times.

  58. Okay, if I have done this right, you can click on my name to go to my blog. I have not, well, oops. LOL I have a new post. :)

  59. (somisundersood here)

    I wonder if Izzy could get back off the mcrazytrain, or if she has him firmly fastened.

  60. I thought of you all today and had to laugh at all of the silliness. I spent time in both at both an urgent care and an emergency vet office. All of us are fine...walking phenomena and an allergic reaction. For the record neither had green walls.

  61. SometimePossiblyMostcertainlyOctober 12, 2012 at 7:40 PM

    I saw this the other day and meant to ask, WTF is this:

    We are going to be having a chicken pox party at our house. Does anyone want to join us?

    (It's from the facebook of a sheeple)

    1. Chicken pox parties are basically gatherings of small children who have not had chicken pox, to one contagious little kid who currently has chicken pox. It's supposedly a great way to get it over with...if it works. It never worked for me, I attended 3, never got chicken pox. Wound up getting chicken pox at 16. That was not fun.

  62. Anja, with this "quiet" season of JM's life; what is her Zing FB like? posting on it? or not?

    1. She's been fairly quiet the last day or two; she just made a comment this evening.

  63. UPDATE: Disqus is now working on the new domain, mckmamatruths.com, and a new post has been put up, as well as a new OT page. Thanks.

  64. Don't you think if she made the m&&*@ f**$#r comment without remembering it she would be horrified (because she doesn't swear) and delete the offending comment? But no...she leaves it up for all to see.....

  65. And now, she was out late at a movie! Guess she's all better from that accident!

  66. She makes me crazy. I can understand why she closed the instagram account. I can only imagine the comments about the picture with C out the sunroof when people found out about her accident. C was allowed to ride like thatbecauae they were by the house...so was her accident. Hard to defend her stupid choices now. Thefacebook comments on instagramwould have been too much for her

  67. Seems that the Wayback Machine won't allow some things to be forgotten...

    If you want to be reminded of some cr@aptastic photography (photos in a cemetery, anyone?), and read the infamous "I Left My Husband" post (you'll have to scroll down a bit), check this out:


    Sadly, some things will be burned into the internet's web for a long time yet to come.

  68. For real? That is insane. People who have had chicken pox (no picnic, itself) are later at risk for shingles (VERY painful.) Some women should not be mothers imo.

    I am Avspatti (:

  69. Why aren't there anymore comments?

  70. I still cannot find her instagram just on a search. If someone's account is on private, it still shows up or did she just delete it?
