About This Site

This site is a successor site to the original MckMama Without Pity and is a place designed to discuss the inconsistencies and bad business / life practices preached in Jennifer McKinney’s popular mommy blog, My Charming Kids. Since there is heavy moderation on her blog, Facebook and BlogFrog Community, there was no place for an open discussion of the red flags that her readers have seen. This site provides a place for that discussion to take shape.

The blogger in question has lied, directly and through omission, and we believe deceitfully used readers of her site emotionally to gain both financially and personally through many incidents over the years. She has, since 2008, blocked and banned those who questioned even politely the differences between what she says and what she does, and left thousands of once admiring and prayerful “members of her community” confused and looking for answers. That’s why we’re here—to piece together what’s real and what she wants people to believe.