As you may have noticed, this site has been periodically unavailable over the last few days, and this is due to DDOS attacks to our shared server.
As a temporary solution this site has been migrated to a dedicated server that can handle the number of hits we are experiencing, both as a result of the hacking and due to the daily visitor count. While you may experience slowness in accessing the site, we have been assured that the new server can handle the traffic. However this is not a sustainable solution since dedicated servers are expensive and not within the budget of MWOP.
We will be experimenting with several different solutions over the coming days in order to find a fix to the traffic (and hacking) problem. In addition we will be updating software and plugins, but you should not have any accessibility issues due to these updates.
We will also be creating a backup site for posting information and updates, in the event that this site becomes unavailable again. That site URL will be, and will be available in the next day or two.
Thank you.